
Showing posts from June, 2017

Inbound Marketing and SEO: Where does the future lie?

So, before I really get stuck into this blog, let me just say thanks for coming to SEO Inbound!   This is the first blog I have published on the site (so if anyone does read it, go easy on me in the comments!) and I’m really excited to finally have the opportunity to provide something of value back to the SEO community.   Well, I say value, but maybe that a bit of a lofty ambition for my first independently published blog post, so I should probably set that bar a bit lower…let’s just hope it’s not rubbish! Times are changing   Then you better start swimming, or you’ll sink just like a stone, for the times they are a-changing. What is SEO?   Right, to the matter at hand – what is Inbound Marketing and why do I believe it’s the future of SEO?   I assume that the majority of people here know what search engine optimization is, but I’ll just give a very basic description none-the-less.   Essentially, SEO Service is the process of using certain on...